Have you ever?

Have you ever felt so in love with another that you actually thought you just might die, because it hurts so good?

Have you ever felt so comforted by your hand tucked into your man’s hand, that even when there is so much wrong in the world, that you know your world is right?

Have you ever been so startled by the look of love and passion in your husband eyes, and it is just for you?

I am feeling this way now, and I feel like this most every day. My husband stayed up late into the night and visited with me, for me. He chose to stay and linger over a cup of coffee with me this morning even though he had more important things to do. Yes my friends I am addicted to my man, and it is an addiction so powerful meer words can’t describe. even is my most severe punishments, I feel the power of his love. I feel like, I could only fly, if he were my wings, I could only sing, if he were my voice, I feel like we share the same soul. Right now there is so much darkness in my life, but I still see clearly the path that lay ahead of me, because -M- is my light, and he shines so brightly, that I can see clearly, with me that is a must, because I am so clumsy!!

